Need an accurate diagnosis before treatment. We can make the situation of fish even worse if incorrect curing disease. Drugs
are chemicals and even though it is no cure, there were more or less
make the fish under stress (not to mention the stress caused by the
disease) so the drug should be used only when clearly needed. You
put the fish in a well light and observed pathological manifestations
such as white spots with sand or patches of white wool. These are very specific symptoms from which you can apply the appropriate treatment.
I. General Information
- The first step in diagnosis is to monitor how care and feeding. These often result in fish health problems:
+ Keep clean water, regular water changes.
+ Always remove the chlorine in tap water or to wreak before use.
+ Vase fish as large as possible.
+ Keep the water temperature above 21 degrees C.
+ Water used instead should have the same temperature as the old water (to avoid personal shock).
+ Do you eat fish several times a day, each time for how much and what to eat foods. Change a variety of healthy fish food will do, if only to eat a frozen food (pellet), will be weak or sick fish swim bladder.
- These are the potential factors that can create a strong and agile fish or a fish sickness and drowsiness.
- After checking the way you take care of fish, hoping to identify the
disease may arise where and timely adjustments before it happens. Individuals may have a number of diseases, so you need to ask for the next time do not commit.
- Each application of the different treatments for the same disease. Some work, some do not know the result is a completely incorrect. You may have to close your eyes using a certain drug and cured fish.
But in fact, if not check and careful diagnosis before treatment for
the individual, it may just happen to get lucky when properly used drugs
needed only. Before you can accumulate enough experience necessary, simply need to depend on the knowledge of others.
That's why I built the cure for Bettas here: it is a research project
and share information to help people in the betta health issues.
- In most cases I recommend that you should never try to treat the symptoms not the cause.
However, Bettamax (not be confused with Bettafix and the Melafix!) Are
often used as drugs "general treatment" also resulted in a number of
cases. It contains a variety of drugs and vitamins.
I do not recommend using the drug combination like this, but sometimes
it is useful for cases of unknown causes and the case should be treated
early because the fish look unusual but not show symptoms specific
diseases: such as loss of color, loss of appetite, lethargic. In other words, should the treatment after understanding and more accurate decision making is just blindly great.
- Antibiotics should be used properly to prevent the formation of drug-resistant bacteria due to the use of inadequate doses. Five days is the minimum period of treatment with antibiotics, lasting more than a week, the better.
- If you can not determine the cause of the disease, individual
isolation in private treatment (and change the water every day) to track
time. This does not fish well but definitely not the status of individual currencies.
- After you have identified the cause of the disease to treat
individuals according to the reference methods and the corresponding
fish diseases to find cures properly.
II. A number of the common Betta diseases
1. Aquatic fungus mi
- Overview: This is a common disease and it kills fish quickly so early detection and treatment is very important. Fungal pathogens which are always present in the lake. Fish often fungal infection after weakness and loss of resistance because of some previous illness or injury.
- Diagnosis: Fish often have tufts of white or gray as Director cotton on body, fins or gills. Fungal diseases are often confused with foot-and-mouth disease (Columnaris).
Note, when observed carefully place will see the mycelium fungus
growing out hair while foot-and-mouth disease look like local cotton.
- How to treat: isolated individual patients to treatment, there is no
need to treat the entire tank because fungal pathogens has always
existed in the lake ... and only attack once fish weakened questions a
previous diseases .
You can fish treated with malachite green, salt, high temperature,
methylene blue, formalin or hydrogen peroxide (using applied directly to
the stain fungi, should be very careful not to stick to carry drugs
because it can kill fish dead fish). The most important thing is to determine the cause of illness and fishing tackle. Whatever the cause, individuals with impaired immune systems create opportunities for pathogens to attack. This can be caused by dirty water, ammonia concentrations increase or other causes such personal data threatened.
2. White spot disease (bowler infection)
- Overview: white spot disease, parasites reside beneath the skin of the fish. They produce white spots like grains of salt or sand covered the fish's body. Fish can by jerkiness and try scanning into the body in the lake. The disease can be serious, but fortunately it is easy to diagnose and treat. Parasites develop very quickly disease detection and timely treatment is extremely important. Care must be noted that even if the white spots disappear, does not mean that the pathogen was completely destroyed. We continue to live and grow in their country even leaving fish.
That is why we need to raise the temperature of cold water because if
so, it may take several weeks to the growth cycle of the parasite is
completed! You should continue treatment for at least a week to fish kill parasitic pathogens (if cold water to be longer).
Parasites on the fish very difficult to eradicate, the drug only works
in the larval stage in the growth cycle of the parasite, as soon as they
mature, they will immediately attack the fish.
- How to: stress and decreased resistance is the cause of pathogen attack and replication on fish.
Avoid fish are stressed by other causes such as dirty water, the sudden
temperature changes, eating too full ... Quarantine new fish and plants
to ensure that you do not bring germs from outside the tank. Do not change temperature dramatically lake. Always put new fish into the tank bag for about 15 minutes to balance the two temperature before stocking. Remember that, along with water quality, it is a very common cause of fish attacked by parasites and pathogens.
- Treatment: increase the water temperature to shorten the growing cycle of the parasite. Salt bath is effective removing parasites.
Salt water parasites leave the fish treatment and fell into the lake,
so when old fish on the lake, there are no longer parasitic. Chemicals containing copper salt as Coppersafe or Aquarisol also very effective treatment.
There are drugs to cure white spots can be found in the LFS but you
should remember that the stronger the individual drugs as stress. Malachite green is not recommended for use for catfish as catfish, Fish chạch and the other fish such as tetras. Treatment of 4 waves, each wave lasting 3-4 days, about 50% water changes before each treatment. Continue treatment for two weeks to ensure that all parasites are killed off. Remember, only drug effect on larvae of the parasite or about the first 3 days of their growth cycle.
* Note: in Vietnam, commonly used treatment for white spots is methylene blue. There are many brands in tablets and liquid circulation in the market. Should read carefully the rate of medication instructions before use because the concentration of each type may vary.
3. Sick poodle
- Symptoms:
+ Temporary call this disease is "ruffled brought" So in the carry fish diseases ruffled. Sick fish, the scales ruffled white pus, if provocative will turn blood.
+ It is not clear what pathogen but not the mushrooms.
+ It spread very strong and persistent. I fish the whole year did not see this disease until the a Thai females onset. Since then his personality often affected, especially those big fish. Probably have to replace the culture vessels and cleaning all the old jars to eliminate pathogens.
+ The disease progresses slowly. Been ruffled bring still eat fish but fewer and fewer fish lethargic, floating on the water and eventually die.
- How to prevention:
+ Isolate and observe new fish carefully. Detection and treatment of fish diseases as soon as the higher the ability to heal and quickly (within 1 week).
+ Cleaning aquarium thoroughly sick to avoid spreading germs (sterile washing with soap).
- Treatment:
+ Small drugs RID protozoan (N2D you buy the Thai) at a dose of 2 drops
/ 2 liters of water (note: this dosage double dose indicated on the
label the bottle is 1 drop / 2 liter).
+ Combination drug soaked with tetra Japan (type of tetra dissolve in the water available in the LFS)
+ By continuous treatment for 2 - 3 weeks, then every week should change the water and reduce the dosage to 1 drop / 2 liters.
+ If only his soaked tetra found no effect, raw fish but relapse after stopping the drug soaked. He said N2D hand desirably all the ruffled scales (blood when turned on), the fish will heal. Maybe you should do it this way if only tetra soaked but no RID protozoan.
+ It can leave sequelae online: teo bring (not puff bring). Reproductive cured anchovies are still normal.
4. Velvet fungus (Oodinium mushroom)
- Overview: Oodinium to rod parasite develops through the spore stage. Like the white spot disease, we sheltered beneath the skin of the fish. We began to develop from tiny spots on the fish. Under appropriate conditions, the spores create a class of "velvet" (velvet) yellow-brown skin covered with fish. This disease is highly contagious. Infected fish often jerky pool, she drew herself up objects in the lake and breathe in a rush.
It should be noted that even if the individual does not have any spots
also does not mean that the disease has been completely destroyed. We can live in the water and the bottom of the tank.
You should be treated continuously for a week to ensure that pathogens
are destroyed completely (if warm water, cold water if longer). Parasites on the fish are very hard to kill, they only destroyed when they fish and swim in the water. Therefore, the temperature increase is necessary. If cold water to their growing cycle will take place over several weeks.
- The patient: Quarantine new fish and plants to ensure that you do not bring germs from outside the tank. Do not change temperature dramatically lake. Always put new fish into the tank bag for about 15 minutes to balance the two temperature before stocking.
- Treatment: increase the water temperature to the growth cycle of the parasite takes place faster (about 21 to 26 degrees). Bath with salt water parasites leave the fish. Chemicals containing copper salt as Coppersafe or Aquarisol also very effective treatment.
There are drugs to treat velvet can be found in the LFS but you should
remember that the stronger the individual drugs as stress.
Malachite green is not recommended for use for catfish as catfish, Fish
chạch and the other fish such as tetra (products used for the them is
Clear Ich Aquatronics firm).
5. Bloating disease
- Overview: if said correctly, bloating is a symptom rather than a disease. Bloated fish with bulging abdomen. There are many causes of this condition. Sometimes, the disease is not contagious, but sick fish should be isolated and treated appropriately. Stretch belly full of water and not be able to eliminate. Flake fish stomach blisters look like "results".
- Symptoms:
+ Acute abdomen: Instant belly swell suddenly. Infected fish cause internal bleeding.
+ Chronic bloating: ie slowly stomach. Parasites or tumor development in the belly can cause this condition.
+ Chronic bloating: ie slowly stomach. Mycobacterium tuberculosis fish tuberculosis fish. It spread very strong.
+ Other causes include viral infections, organ damage, kidney failure due to excessive use of drugs or too strong.
- Treatment: This disease is difficult to treat, but if the cause is bacterial and is detected early, can be cured.
So we need to find out whether disease caused by bacteria or not,
finding the cause of the disease as part of treatment and prevention. When the flakes tend to demonstrate both seriously ill. Soak fish in salt water can help to reduce the liquid in the fish. There are a variety of medications used to treat bloating due to visceral infections. The skin medications do not work in this case.
6. Swelling of the eyes
- Overview: swelling of the eye is not a disease but a symptom caused
by many different causes, such as infection (and possibly infected add
both mushrooms), environmental (such as dirty water) or wound Trade
swelling in the eye because other fish bites. Fish may be swelling of one or both eyes. People to him out of the eye socket and sometimes opaque.
- Treatment: if only one eye is swollen, often cause injuries and eye responds by swelling up and herded liquid. Need to isolate the fish and change the water frequently to eyes have time to recover. Can treat with epsom salts ie MgSO4 hydrated salt (1 want to pay / 20 liters, after 3 days was down to half a tablespoon). If both eyes are swollen, probably infected individuals and should be treated with Maracyn, Penicillin or Tetracycline. Can use antibiotic Neomycin sulphate (250 mg / 4 liter) with a large effect on the gram + and gram-bacteria. You can also use other antibiotics. But if the fish is too heavy, then it is more difficult to treat. Fish can eat food mixed (because antibiotics very difficult to penetrate the fish's body). Only use antibiotics in the treatment tank to avoid affecting the filter in the main lake.
7. Red spot disease (Aeromonas salmonicida)
- Overview: The disease caused by the bacterium Aeromonas salmonicida
with symptoms including open wound or pimples on the skin. Hard, just nosocomial when in direct contact with the infected skin. Fish should be isolated and treated with antibiotics. Infectious bacteria into the bloodstream and spread throughout the body, especially the vital organs. Blood spread very quickly and cause small blood vessels to burst and spread bacteria into the surrounding cells. If conditions are suitable, will become very severe.
- How to disease prevention: dirty water grow stronger. Check the cause of fish stress, pH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and intermediate host disease (such as fluke).
- Treatment: can be used medicines for skin diseases such as hydrogen peroxide or formalin / formaldehyde bath for fish.
Antibiotics, especially those can be absorbed into the body
(tetracycline, erythromycin and nitrofurazone no effective treatment of
this disease). Food mixed with antibiotics.
8. Infections
- Overview: there are countless types of bacteria cause disease in fish. Bacteria are always present in the water.
Personal attacks bacteria and infection when it is weakened by stress
or because of other reasons (such as dirty water, bullied by other fish,
the temperature and the environment is not suitable or even injured).
Infections usually cause some typical symptoms are as follows: pool
sluggish, stop eating, sometimes on the body and fins appear red streaks
or even sores ...
- A disease: antibiotics not really destroy bacteria, instead it enhances the immune system to fish itself against disease. Therefore, the best monitor and adjust environmental factors, water quality, nutrition, and other factors.
Fish are more susceptible to disease when they are under stress due to
the impact of other environmental factors (individual threat, not thic
temperatures or sudden changes ...) as well as water.
- Treatment: there are many types of bacteria should also have a variety of medicines related to bacteria. Some drugs have an effect on gram-negative bacteria, while others are effective against gram-positive bacteria.
If you do not know your fish infected with bacteria, you should use a
broad-spectrum antibiotic that is effective against both gram-negative
and gram-positive. Most of the fish pathogenic bacteria are Gram-negative.
Common gram-negative bacteria, including Aeromonas hydrophila,
Aeromonas salmonicida, Flavobacterium columnare (causes foot-and-mouth
disease), Vibrio and Pseudomonas. Other gram-negative bacteria of coliform layer (digestive bacteria) such as E. coli and other bacteria decompose such as Nitrosomonas sp., Nitrobacter sp. and septicemia (caused red spots in fish).